Fact Based List:

12 Medical Benefits Selected by DOL for Survey to Determine Required Coverage Levels under PPACA

  1. emergency room visits
  2. ambulance services
  3. diabetes care management
  4. kidney dialysis
  5. physical therapy
  6. durable medical equipment
  7. prosthetics
  8. maternity care
  9. infertility treatment
  10. sterilization
  11. gynecological exams and services
  12. organ and tissue transplantation

Source: Selected Medical Benefits: A Report from the Department of Labor to the Department of Health and Human Services, April 15, 2011
Source URL: http://www.bls.gov/ncs/ebs/sp/selmedbensreport.pdf
Notes: The Affordable Care Act mandates that the DOL "conduct a survey of employer-sponsored coverage to determine the benefits typically covered by employers."