Fact Based List:

8 Educational Modules in the MCOL Managed Care Training Manual

Raise your managed care IQ with MCOL's Managed Care Training Manual

  1. OverviewVideo (watch on HealthShareTV)
  2. Managed Care Primer Video: a 17 minute video presentation discussing a spectrum of managed care concepts
  3. Intro to Managed Care Training Manual: 14 Chapters and optional interactive quizzes
  4. Advanced Topics with 77 selected white papers covering 234 pages of detailed narrative
  5. Managed Care Fact Sheets with eight key pages providing statistical snapshots and graphs
  6. DataMaps covering 36 different topics illustrating applicable data by state
  7. TimeLines with five pages of Managed Care History in chronological order
  8. Infographics covering 50 different topics illustrating relevant data points

Source: MCOL Learning
Source URL: https://www.managedcarestore.com/ymcol/swtman.htm