Fact Based List:

5 Ways ICD-10 Will Impact Physicians And Patients Over The Next 12 Months

  1. Consolidation Hits the Gas Pedal - An increased rate of consolidation among hospitals and health systems continues to drive smaller, independent medical practices into larger systems
  2. External Pressures Strain the Physician / Patient Relationship - An effect of medical consolidation and the rising emphasis on valued-based payment models increases strain on the relationship
  3. Impact of ICD-10 on Physician Medical Practices - 50% of respondents to the Biennial Physician Survey indicated that ICD-10 will cause administrative problems in their practices
  4. Cost of Care Transparency - Site of service differentials between hospitals and private medical practices are a clear manifestation of a lack of transparency
  5. Access to Physician Care - As new patients are insured through the ACA, the scarcity of access to physicians presents a challenge to the healthcare system

Source: The Physicians Foundation
Source URL: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20141215005125/en/Phys...